Water Treatment Australia has designed, constructed, installed and commissioned over 500 plants throughout Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Sri Lanka and China. With an ongoing and growing list of contracts since 1956, here you can browse through some examples of our previous projects.

Farley Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Hunter Water / John Holland
STP Upgrade Design
Completed 2021
Details coming soon

Woodlawn Leachate Treatment Plant
Design & Construct
$3.5million (mechanical / electrical)
Completed 2018
Veolia operate a Bioreactor Landfill at Tarago NSW. WTA in conjunction with Wherle are in the process of designing and constructing a 300KL/day water treatment plant to treat the landfill leachate in order to comply with environmental licences and optimise gas and hence energy generation. The process involves Leachate Inlet screen.
- Mixed balance tank
- Dual Mixed anoxic tanks
- Dual aeration tanks with jet pumps, blowers and aeration ejectors
- UF membrane
- Centrifuge dewatering
- Methanol and caustic dosing

Albury Water Treatment Plant DAFF Upgrade
Albury City Council
WTP Design & Construct
$4.5 million
Completed 2017
In 2015 WTA was engaged by ACC to design and construct the DAF upgrade to the 70ML/day water.
Albury City Council (Council) provides potable water supply to the Albury and Greater Hume regions and services approximately 50,000 residents (22,600 connections). The Albury potable water supply consists of a catchment, a water filtration plant (WFP), and a distribution system consisting of water storage reservoirs, pump stations, disinfection booster stations and reticulation system pipe work. Raw water for the Albury WFP is pumped from the River Murray downstream of Lake Hume. Albury WFP consists of two plants, plants A and B, which were commissioned in 1980 and 1992, respectively. Each plant can produce 70 ML/day of potable water with a total capacity of 140 ML/day.
This project involved the upgrade of Plant B to include infilter Dissolved air flotation including;
- Two stage flocculation process for plant B
- Conversion of the existing eight (8) Plant B dual-media filter cells to in-filter dissolved air floatation cells
- DAF recycle, saturation, introduction and float removal systems for Plant B DAFF process
- Upgrade of lime dosing system to provide pre-coagulation lime dosing for Plant A
- Building works over the filters
- Construction of equipment building
- Work as executed drawings
- Operating manuals
- Training
- Testing and commissioning

Nundle Water Treatment Plant
Tamworth Regional Council
WTP Design & Construct
$2.4 million
Completed 2017
Nundle township is located approximately 60 km south of Tamworth in New South Wales. Water Treatment Australia designed and constructed a new 720 kL/day WTP to replace the existing plant. The plant was designed to operate at a constant flow over the range of 5-10 L/s. The scope included:
- Connection of a new raw water main to supply the new WTP from a stop valve
- Construction of a new elevated earthen pad above the 1 in 100 year flood level to facilitate the new plant
- New colorbond building to house the core components of the new WTP
- A new 6 metre stainless steel reactivator clarifier
- Chemical dosing system package for alum, soda ash, polymer, PAC, chlorination.
- One open gravity filter with dual media configuration including blowers, backwash pumps and pipework
- Bulk earthworks in all classes of material, detailed excavation and off-site disposal of excess material. Roadworks, stormwater drainage, and subsoil drainage works.
- One ultraviolet (UV) system disinfection systems
- Modifying the existing settling tanks to convert them to sludge lagoons and integrate the existing clear water tank into the new plant.
- 2 new vertical turbine treated water pumps
- Supernatant Return pumping facility and discharge pipeline including connection to the new raw water main prior to the PAC contact tank
- Compressed air facility including new compressed air system and reticulation of compressed air · Raw, filtered and treated water pumps and sample lines to the onsite lab test room
- A control room, amenities, laboratory test room within the new WTP building.
- Service and potable water reticulation including RPZ, valving, fittings, and associated works
- Electrical instrumentation and control services including field instrumentation and local control panels. Power, control and communications cabling, conduits, pits and associated cable ladder / tray and fixings. PLC hardware system, communications hardware, MCC and SCADA including integration of the existing TRC Nundle waste assets being the raw water pump station, supply bores and reservoirs. Site lighting, power building alarm and security systems.

Kilcoy Water Treatment Plant
WTP Design & Construct
Completed 2013
Kilcoy Township is located approximately 50km west of Caboolture. WTA designed and constructed a new 4ML/day WTP to replace the existing plant. The plant’s design made an allowance for space for a further upgrade to a maximum treated water production of 8 ML/day at a later date. The scope included
- A floating off-take and Raw water pump station
- A reaction tank with two reaction chambers, the first for future oxidation of iron and manganese and the second for absorption of taste and odour compounds
- An upflow reactivator clarifier with an internal flocculation zone, sludge recirculation and sludge removal for clarification
- Two flocculation tanks with two stage flocculation.
- Two DAF clarifiers (duty/duty) with associated dispersion equipment removal of floatable flocc
- Two open gravity filters with dual media configuration including blowers, backwash pumps and pipework
- Chemical Dosing and mixing systems including:Sodium Hydroxide System for post pH correction, Lime system for pre pH correction and water stabilisation, Carbon Dioxide System for pre pH correction, Space for Potassium permanganate system for oxidising iron and manganese, Powdered activated carbon system for absorption of taste and odour compounds, ACH System for coagulation, Polymer system (LT 20) for coagulation aid and also for sludge thickening, Chlorine gas system for disinfection, Fluoride system for fluoridation
- Two ultraviolet (UV) system disinfection systems
Waste water handling equipment including Sludge thickener with sludge supernatant return pump station to thicken the waste stream, Sludge balance tank to collect the thickened sludge and provide a consistent feed to the centrifuges. Two centrifuges to produce sludge cake suitable for offsite disposal. Clear water tank and treated water pump station

Caddadup, Halls Head, Gordon Rd & Kwinana Waste Water Treatment Plant
Suncoast Alliance
WWTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2008
- 8 x Rotating bridge clarifiers ranging in size from 18M – 32M to clarify effluent from aeration ditches
- Clarifiers designed using fiberglass launders with SS lids to reduce algae growth

Ampara / Sri Lanka Water Treatment Plant – Alum Sludge Dewatering
Outakumpu / Ampara Water Board
WTP Design
$3.5 million
- Completed 2007
- Water sourced from a local dam is coagulated with allum and flocculated prior to being gravity fed through a 10 mono media in filter DAF
- Project included chemical dosing and sludge thickening via a thickener and centrifuge
- Plant capacity 60ML/day
- Chemical requirements – thickener 1kg/tonne DS, centrifuge 4.5kg/tonne DS
- Cake solids av: 14-15%
- The raw water contains massive amounts of algae and is dosed with PAC before entering 10 DAFF trains. Backwash water is collected in a backwash holding tank where it is kept constantly mixed and blended with the DAF float. This mixture is dosed with polymer and pumped to a thickener. The thickener supernatant gravity feeds back to the raw water dam. The thickened sludge (2.5%DS) is transferred to a sludge holding tank where it is kept continually mixed. This sludge is then pumped at a controlled rate to 2 x duty/standby centrifuges. The centrifuge centrate is pumped back to the backwash holding tank. The solids cake is conveyed via a spriac conveyor to a bin to be trucked off-site

Myrniong Water Treatment Plant
Western Water
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2007
- 0.6ML/day DAFF
- Dam water dosed with permanganate. PAC and allum prior to flocculation and DAFF
- Room expansion to 1ML/day

Lancefield Water Treatment Plant
Western Water
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2007
- 2.5ML/day DAFF
- Bore and dam water blended and dosed with permanganate, PAC and alum prior to flocculation and DAFF
- Room expansion to 5ML/day

Noosa Water Treatment Plant – Alum Sludge Dewatering
General Water Australia
WTP Dewatering Design & Construct
- Completed 2006
- 60ML/day
- Source water is a mix of river and dam water
- Chemical requirements – thickener 1.5kg/tonne DS, centrifuge 4kg/tonne DS
- Cake solids max: 18% avg. 14-15%
- 2 x Duty/standby backwash recovery tanks
- Recovery tanks collect backwash water from the dual media filters and BAC filters. Following a settling time, the supernatant from the backwash recovery tank is gravity fed to a creek. The settled sludge from the backwash recovery tank (0.5%DS) is dosed with polymer and pumped to a thickener. The thickener supernatant is returned to the backwash recovery tank. The thickener slude (2.5%DS) is gravity transferred to a sludge holding tank where it is kept continually mixed. This sludge is dosed with polymer and pumped at a contant rate to 2 duty/standby centrifuges. The centrifuge centrate is returned to the backwash recovery tank. The sludge cake (14%DS) is conveyed to a sludge bin via a spirac conveyor for disposal off-site.

Euston Water Treatment Plant
Balranald Council
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2006
- 0.3ML/day DAF, Membrane and GAC
- Raw water is passed through SS DAF module before being filtered with UF membranes.
- The permeate is passed through GAC filters for taste and odour removal

Forsythe Water Treatment Plant
Ethridge Shire Council
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2006
- 0.6ML/day DAF and Pressure Filters
- A separate SS DAF unit followed by 4 self-washing pressure filters

Erica Water Treatment Plant
Gippsland Water
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2006
- 1ML/day DAFF
- Raw water flocculated with allum flows through a WTA stainless steel DAF over filter module

Drouin Water Treatment Plant
Gippsland Water
WTP Design & Construct
- Completed 2006
- 2 x 1.5ML/day DAFF
- Outflow from sedimentation lagoons is pumped over a trickle filter and then to 2 x WTA fibreglass DAFF units with a total capacity of 3ML/day

Mudgee Water Treatment Plant
Mudgee Shire Council
WTP Design & Construct
$2.2 million
- Completed 2005
- 14 ML/day clarifiers and filters
- Combined mix of river water and bore water is dosed with ferric and lime and clarified in a recirculation clarifier to reduce the hardness
- CO2 dosing is used for pH correction and the water is filtered through 3 dual media filters before being pumped to the town

Cobram Water Treatment Plant
Goulburn Valley Water
WTP Design & Construct
$2.3 million
- Completed 2005
- 10 ML/day DAFF
- Water from the Murray River is coagulated with alum and flocculated prior to being gravity fed through a dual media in filter DAF. Project included PAC dosing and waste water handling

China Sewage/Reuse Treatment Plant
Dalian Petrochemical Co.
STP/Reuse Design & Construct
$1 million
- Completed 2005
- 12 ML/day DAFF and UF Membranes
- Water discharged from the sewerage treatment plant is treated with a bioreactor, flocculation, dissolved air flotation, dual media filters, UF membranes and finally, reverse osmosis.
- Final water is used for the pertrochemical plant boiler feedwater

Googong Water Treatment Plant
Icon Water (previously ACTEW)
WTP Design & Construct
$4 million
- Completed 2004
- 90 ML/day DAFF
- Water from a holding dam is coagulated with alum and flocculated prior to being gravity fed through 8 dual media in filter DAFF trains

Beechworth Water Treatment Plant
North East Water
WTP Design & Construct
$2 million
- Completed 2004
- 10.5 ML/day DAFF
- New dual media filter constructed and existing filter modified to fit dissolved air flotation
- New chemical dosing systems installed

Landershute Water Treatment Plant
Maroochydoore Water Board
WTP Design & Construct
$4.6 million
- Completed 2003
- 140 ML/day horizontal flow clarifiers (x 2) with moving bridge scraper
- Ozone dosing and BAC filters
- Filtered water is dosed with ozone to oxidise taste and odour toxins before being filtered through bacterial activated carbon (BAC) filters

Yepoon Sewage Treatment Plant
Livingstone Shire Council
STP Design & Construct
- Completed 2003
- 25 ML/day STP/Reuse
- Step Screen
- Bioreactor
- 2 x Clarifiers
- 3 x Dual media filters and a chlorine contact tank
- Final element used for golf course irrigation

Moorabool Water Treatment Plant
Barwon Water Treatment Australia
WTP Design & Construct
$1.5 million
- Completed 2001
- 76 ML/day DAFF
- Water sourced from stoney creek is coagulated with allum and flocculated prior to being gravity fed through 3 dual media in filter DAFs
- Project included pre ozone dosing on the raw water and waste water handling

Oberon Water Treatment Plant
Oberon Council
WTP Design & Construct
$2.3 million
- Completed 2001
- 6 ML/day Membrane Plant
- Raw water from the storage dam is dosed with PACL and filtered through Zenon membranes under vaccum
- The water is thickened before being dried in 4 drying beds and then removed off-site

Lake Cathie Sewage Treatment Plant
Port Macquarie Shire Council
STP Design & Construct
- Completed 2001
- 1 ML/day submerged membranes
- Sewerage from a settling basin is filtered through Zenon membranes under vaccum before being stored for reuse